admin | Food & Beverages | 02 Jun 2020 12:10:00

Jasmine Rice

Jasmine rice is a long grain rice that is native to Thailand. It is named after the sweet-smelling Jasmine flower. It has a delicate floral and buttery scent. Jasmine rice has a soft sticky texture when cooked and widely used Southeast Asian cuisine. Although the grain is long grain variety, it is smaller and thicker than basmati rice.

Whole Grain Variety

Whole grain varieties jasmine rice ranges from brown to red to black colours. It may be healthier option to white rice. This is because they contain more fibre, beneficial plant compounds and nutrients. Jasmine and white rice are quite similar; however, they have notable differences.

Nutritional Figuration

All white rice is processed which means the husk, bran and the germ have been removed. Hence, fibre and many nutrients are removed to produce white rice. There are many different types of rice included in white variety. These are basmati, arborio, jasmine and originario. They are all similar nutritionally.

Whole Grain Jasmine

Brown jasmine rice are less processed that white rice. Whole grain rice has only the outer husk removed. Bran and germ are intact ensuring that fibre and many nutrients remain in the final grain. Brown jasmine rice is lower in calories and carbohydrates than white rice because of the fibre content. It also contains calcium, iron, and potassium.

The red, purple, and black varieties of whole-grain jasmine rice contain varying amounts of beneficial phytonutrients. These plant compounds have antioxidant properties that help support and protect your cells from damage.

Different Look and Smell

Jasmine rice has a long grain and primarily grows in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand. White rice can have a short, medium, or long grain. Jasmine rice is considered to have excellent cooking qualities due to its sticky texture when cooked and the fluffiness. They can smell and look differently. Jasmine rice is also known as Thai fragrant rice, given its pleasant popcorn-like smell. When comparing to most types of white rice, jasmine rice has a distinct smell.

The consistency of white rice can vary greatly. For example, glutinous rice, which is commonly used in Asian desserts, is very sticky.

Healthier Rice

White rice and white jasmine rice are equivalent nutritionally because they are refined grains. Their fibre and nutritional parts have been removed. Due to lacking fibre and protein, your body digests them easily. However, it gives you spikes blood sugar spikes.

A study on more than 197,000 people established that replacing 50g of white rice with equal amount of brown rice each day reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 16%. In addition to this people with type 2 diabetes may experience improved blood vessel function by changing from consuming white rice to brown rice. This may be purely because unrefined, whole-grain rice like brown jasmine rice contains fibre. Fibre can help slow the absorption of sugar and minimize its accumulation in your bloodstream.

Moreover, brown rice contains phytonutrients, such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, and phenolics. These compounds have a broad range of beneficial properties that can support your heart and immune system.

Therefore, it may be that whole-grain jasmine rice is a healthier option than white rice or white jasmine rice.

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